
We can take your Boneless Venison and make all the items listed below.
We process only venison that has been;
boned out
free of dirt
free of blood clots and hair
Is NOT ground-no ground is accepted per state law. We must see the whole muscle to make sure there is no disease/bad meat.
We check all Venison that is brought in throughly!
Our motto is “If WE wouldn't eat it, we won’t take it!”
Boneless venison needs to be brought in an food approved container as below;
Food Grade bags
Tupperware bowls
Gallon sized bags
Clean pots
Clean Coolers
Clean buckets
NO trash bags or plastic carry out bags will be accepted!!
Frozen meat must be in no larger than 10 pound blocks.
In order to operate efficiently, we reserve the right to "Batch Process" or make the same item for several customers at one time. This means, meat from animals of the same species owned by other customers may be combined with your own during the processing operation. However, you will always receive your own proportionate amount of finished product made to our exacting standards.
Processed Venison Choices
Summer Sausage
Regular Summer Sausage ....……….….. $8.50/stick
Jalapeno ………...……………….……….. $9.50/stick
Jalapeno & Cheese ……..…………... $10.00/stick
ALL Summer Sausage is individually packaged. For every 1.5 lbs. of meat you bring in, you will receive one, 2 lb. stick.
Bologna with Cheddar Cheese ...............$9.50/stick
For every 1.5 lbs. of meat you bring in, you will receive one, 2 lb. stick.
Jerky ..........................................................$7.00/lb ($21 per package).
You must bring in a minimum of 3lbs. of meat to have Jerky made. For every 3lbs. you bring in, you will receive 1.5 lbs. of Jerky.
Snack Sticks
Regular ……………………………..…….. $7.50/lb.
Honey BBQ ………………………………. $8.50/lb.
Jalapeno …………………………....…… $8.00/lb.
Teriyaki .....................................................$8.50/lb
Dried Venison Rounds
Dried rounds come sliced and packaged………….. $4/lb.
Must be brought in boneless, chunks of round
Smoked Venison Ham .........................$3.50/lb.
Breakfast Sausage ................................$4/lb.
You must bring in a minimum of 5 lbs. for processing. For every 5 lbs. you bring in, you will receive 7 lbs. of sausage.
Italian Sausage ................................$4.00/lb.
Bulk 1# packages of Italian Sausage. Minimum of 5lbs. For every 5lbs you bring in, you will receive 7lbs back.
Meatloaf ...............................................$6.50/loaf
For every 1.5 lbs. you bring in, you will receive one,
2 pound loaf
Hotdogs ...................................................$6.50/lb.
You must bring in a minimum of 4 lbs. for processing.
For every 4 lbs. you bring you bring in, you will
receive 5 lbs. (+/- .50/lb.) of hotdogs.
Ground Venison
Ground only ……………………….......…… $2.00/lb.
Ground and packaged ……………………. $3.00/lb.
Ground and packaged with Fat added (pork fat) $3.50/lb.
Did you bag a deer? Trophy Kill even?
Bob's is no longer custom processing of Beef, Pigs or lambs
Other area Processors
Bob's does not endorse or are affiliated with any of the processors
We smoke hams and bacon for the following
These processors also accept deer
Mike Anderson 269-468-6173 (Coloma)
Happy Hog 269-759-8557 (Coloma)
Nik Abbott 269-308-0214 (Bangor)


If you happen to go fishing and get lucky,
we can smoke your fish for you!!
All you have to do is either fillet it (skin on is best or it may dry out) or gut it and remove the head. Then bring it in we will do the rest.
We are not always open when you are done fishing, so we have a fish drop box at Bob’s located on the West side of the shop. Fill out one of the tags located at the fish drop box with:
Your name
Phone number
Vacuum packaged, or not
If Salmon; peppered, or not
and drop it in the box along with your fish.
We check the box every morning and will take care of it from there. We will call you when it is done.
Regular bagged is $3.00/lb.
Vacuum packaged is $4.00/lb. (usually 2 pieces per package)
No additional charge for Peppered
Have a Turkey or Chicken?
We can smoke it for you!!
Did you buy one from a store, fresh or frozen?
Were you given a fresh or frozen turkey?
Did you raise chickens or turkeys?
The turkey or chicken needs to be free of any feathers. Keep in mind, it smokes best if plucked verses skinned. So bring us the turkey or chicken free of feather and we will do the rest.
Smoking a Turkey or Chicken is $25.00 no matter the weight.